Wednesday, March 10, 2010


We do not have to learn courage,
for it is part of who we already are.
We only have to unlearn fear.


chrissy said...

oh man i REALLY needed this today!
thank you so much for sharing.
i am writing this one down.
i also am in LOVE with your photo.
i got an old bicycle for my last birthday with a huge basket and i am a total sucker for them.
you are the best.
lots of loves.
(and thanks for the state store inspiration idea...)
i.m also one who judges a book by it.s cover!

rachel awes said...

i am with chrissy.
i am CRAZY about this profound post.
the quote is so true & the photo poignant.
this has stirred my soul & i thank you. xo

Mike said...


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Best regards,

Mike Thomas

Liv @ Choosing Beauty said...

I adore this!! Just found you thru Rachel's blog and am so glad!